The You+Me=Community is a community festival initiated by the Huon Disability Network, a peer network, which is part of the Tasmanian DSO Speak Out consortium.
After over a year of collaborative planning with Baptcare and the Huon Valley Council, the inaugural festival was held on Sunday 4 March in Huonville.
The main goals of the festival were to
- Have fun!
- Create opportunities for people with a disability to make community connections
- Raise awareness with the broader community about people living with disability and their rights to be a part of community life: to have a place to belong
- Raise awareness about the National Disability Insurance Scheme
The Local Area Coordinators provide information about NDIS and all services available in the local area.
There were many activities and highlights of the festival included: Choir of High Hopes workshop and performance, Ardvaak Adventures wheelchair compatible giant swing, Silent Disco and 8 disability support services hosting activities such as making hula-hoops, and stress balls.