People With Disabilities (WA) Inc.


People With Disabilities (WA) Inc.

Since 1981 People With disabilities WA Inc (PWdWA) has been the peak disability consumer organisation representing the rights, needs, and equity of all Western Australians with a physical, intellectual, psychosocial, or sensory disability via individual and systemic advocacy. We provide access to information, and independent individual and systemic advocacy with a focus on those who are most vulnerable.

PWdWA is run by and for people with disabilities and aims to empower the voices of all people with disabilities in Western Australia.

Contact Us

Samantha Jenkinson

Suite 23/2 Delhi Street


Phone: (08) 9420 7279


Connect with Us

Visit the People With Disabilities (WA) Inc. website

Connect with People With Disabilities (WA) Inc. on Facebook or Twitter @PWdWA4