Implementing your NDIS plan

As people living with disability build their experience in the NDIS, they may want to be more in charge of their own support arrangements.

This section looks at the different ways a person living with disability can be in charge of their supports.  This includes deciding between service providers, and also deciding about how much control the person wants to have over the daily arrangements.

The QuickGuides in this section are designed to help start a conversation in your peer network about ways you can organise your support arrangements.  The QuickGuides should also be relevant if you get your support funding from somewhere else and not the NDIS.

The index to the left shows the current range of topics.  Click on each one to read/download a QuickGuide. Some index items include links to video clips.

We expect the range and number of topics to grow.

E-mail us if there are other topics you would like to see here, or if you would like to write a QuickGuide to go here.

This NDIS video explains the different plan management types and support budgets