Brisbane Hot Topics Local Support Group met recently to begin an exciting new digital story project to learn how to make a digital story.
We are planning to make stories that demonstrate the positive contribution and influence people with intellectual disability have.
We believe it’s important that people with an intellectual disability have a place, voice and position in society.
We want to let people know what Hot Topics has done in the past such as speaking up at the Queensland Roundtable on Intellectual Disability, participating in the Senate inquiry about sterilization on women with intellectual disability and providing feedback to local and state governments around many and varied important issues.
We also began to consider the personal stories we want to tell about topics important to us such as like the volunteering at Food Not Bombs, the strength of overcoming amputation caused by a doctors’ misdiagnosis, mental illness and intellectual disability, how the money for new casino could be better spent to improve transport, Centrelink waiting times.
Griffith University, who are helping for the project, are doing action research to find out what works and what doesn’t work in doing the project. We look forward to finding out what stories come from this exciting project.
Contact JenJen Barrkman at Queenslanders with Disability Network Ltd (QDN) for more information
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