Building a sustainable co-design network of people with disability.

PWdWA have received a grant from the Department of Finance in WA for a project where people with a diversity of disabilities become part of a network that organisations can contact for advice, experience and expertise on a whole range of issues.

The project aims to promote employment opportunities for people with disability through the development of a user pays model, a model for WA organisations to comply with National Standards, and a model that is scalable for use in regional areas. There is no current mechanism that facilitates this type of consultation, co-design and co-production.

The research and design of this model will include active involvement from people with disability. We will co-develop resources with both organisations and people with disability. The first stage of the project will be to develop a co-design steering group that will meet on a regular basis to review material and develop resources that people with disability and organisations may use in best practice co-design.

PWdWA are looking for expressions of interest for people to be part of this group. If you are interested then please contact Natalie 08 9485 8900 for further information.