Self-Advocacy – Our Voice, Express Yourself and SACID
Peer led self advocacy groups Our Voice, Express Yourself and SACID had plenty to say, last week, about the development of a new website for people living with intellectual disability.
Peer led self advocacy groups Our Voice, Express Yourself and SACID had plenty to say, last week, about the development of a new website for people living with intellectual disability.
ACD has been developing a grass roots Community Leaders program with Tasmanian parent and carer leaders and Peer Support Networks.
In November last year, the VALiD Banyule Peer Action Group presented Fantastic Flicks, a screening of films made by and about people living with disability.
In their final meeting for 2017, the Self Managers Peer Support Group hosted a workshop for Decision Makers.
When men at a Campbelltown’s Group were hard to engage during the program’s regular activities on Mondays, Northcott’s Centre Based Coordinator, Kerry Vivar, decided to take matters into her own hands.
The first of a series of Peer Connect Conferences took place on Tuesday 5th December at the City of Salisbury’s Gallery Venue, held in partnership between JFA Purple Orange, Families4Familes and the City of Salisbury.
In the lead up to the Queensland State Election, QDN conducted a member survey to get feedback in relation to issues that were important to people with disability.
The Geelong Peer Action Group, which Jenny MacPherson co-facilitates, has recently been working on making paper mashè bollards for International Day of People with Disabilities.
An elders’ workshop/presentation was recently held in the northern suburbs of Adelaide.
The Normanton Linkin' Up Support Group has been meeting regularly at the Bynoe Hall to help each other get ready for the National Disability Insurance Scheme.