Where to find useful information

The information on this page is also available as a downloadable Quick Guide, by clicking below. There are.pdf and word versions.


A change as big and as complex as the NDIS means reliable information is vital. Misinformation spreads quickly and has caused many participants, carers and families unnecessary concern. The best way to avoid getting the wrong idea is to ensure that peer networks are checking reliable sources of information. If something sounds a little odd, it is worth checking either online or by calling the organisations below.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the newest way of providing support for Australians with disability, their families and carers.

There is a lot of information available online to help people understand how it will work. There are also publications, videos and planning tools to help people navigate the NDIS.

Let’s make it happen

One of the biggest benefits of peer networks is that they allow us to learn from the experience of others. However, sometimes we can misunderstand a situation or simply walk away from a meeting with the wrong idea. If a member of the peer network reports something that sounds unusual it is a very good idea to check the information.

Checking will make sure everyone in the network is given the right information, and the person who was given the incorrect information can go back to the organisation that gave it to them. Below are a range of places Peer Network Facilitators can go to find good information about the NDIS.

Go Online:

The first place to find useful information is the NDIS Website. www.ndis.gov.au on the NDIS website you will find factsheets, videos and information that will guide you through the NDIS.

Each state and territory also has their own sites, which are listed on the following page.

Carers Victoria has a range of resources for Carers at their site www.everythingcarers.org.au

Disability Loop is a website that contains a range of resources, links to events and stories of people who have entered into the NDIS http://www.disabilityloop.org.au/

AMAZE have created an online NDIS Readiness Resource to assist participants to prepare for the NDIS http://www.amaze.org.au/2017/06/are-you-ndis-ready-amazes-new-online-resource-will-guide-you/

You can also search using Google or Bing to find specific information about NDIS.

Join a Peer Connect Support Group

www.peerconnect.org.au has a list of groups running across Australia that people with disability can join to share ideas, knowledge and learn about the NDIS.

.pdfacebook also has a number of groups who talk about the NDIS, such as Carers Victoria’s NDIS Carers Online: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NDISCarersOnline/

CID Connect is an online support group http://cidconnect.nswcid.org.au/index.php

Attend an NDIS Information Session

As each area rolls out, Information Sessions are held across the country. To find out about any in you area, visit https://www.ndis.gov.au/news/events/all


Contact the NDIS or your Local Area Coordinator on 1800 800 110 to find out further information

Where you can find more information

To find out more about the NDIS:

Website: https://www.ndis.gov.au/   or Phone: 1800 800 110

.pdfree-of-charge translator, interpreter or other assistance phone 1800 800 110
Text telephone (TTY) users phone 1800 555 677 then ask for 1800 800 110
Speak and Listen (speech-to-speech relay) users phone 1800 555 727 then ask for 1800 800 110
internet relay users National Relay Service website  and ask for 1800 800 110

.pdfor Peer support: {CCM:BASE_URL}/

.pdfor carers: www.carersaustralia.org.au or www.everythingcarers.org.au

Or Phone 1800 242 636


State and Territory Websites

Australian Capital Territory 

Disability ACT

Website: http://www.communityservices.act.gov.au/disability_act/

New South Wales

Department of Family and Community Services

Website:  http://ndis.nsw.gov.au/ or https://www.adhc.nsw.gov.au/


Northern Territory

Northern Territory Government Office of Disability

Website: https://nt.gov.au/wellbeing/disability-services/ndis


Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services

Website: www.communities.qld.gov.au/ndis/

South Australia

Department of Communities and Social Inclusion



Tasmanian Government Disability and Community Services

Website: http://www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/disability


Department of Health and Human Services

Website: www.dhhs.vic.gov.auor www.ndis.vic.gov.au


Western Australia

Disability Services Commission

Website: http://www.disability.wa.gov.au/

Co authored by Carers Victoria
