Our range of QuickGuides are a useful resource with information about how to set up a peer network.
Think about what you want the peer network to achieve, who could be involved, and what type of resources could help.
It can take time for momentum to build, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t get a strong response initially. Persist, make sure good things happen at your peer network meetings, even if only a couple of people turn up in the early days.
First Peoples Disability Network has a Peer Support group in the Northern Territory, the Barkley launch area for the NDIS.
They have been working up there for 3 years now, to prepare those with a Disability across many remote Aboriginal communities to be ready for their planning process with the NDIA.
Acknowledging that there were many languages, they understood that it was easier for people with disability to tell their story through art, in what keeps them strong in community.
They developed strong networks through area art centres and in particular the Barkley Regional art centre.
They would like to share this video with the peer support groups, to promote how best to support their mobs with alternative mediums.
Watch their video below